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Chilling out

Immagine del redattore: Phoenix WaydelichPhoenix Waydelich

Furniture: -{ Lalou }- Ibiza Set (Adult with D/s Kink) FameshedX

  • perfect for any patio, garden, or beach area, it also fits in outdoor rooms or airy living rooms.

  • Is possible buy the Sofa and Chair separately, or all in a fat pack which will also give you the two decor tables.

  • 11 fabrics and wood colors in HUD, (accent pillows will be added to the HUD!)

  • To use solo, or for two avatars as friends or for cuddles

  • Also has some sweet Master/Mistress seats, with sub on the floor, includes Foot fetish animations, and spankings.

  • Lots of hot, smooth adult animations

  • The V & Physics, and Aeros ready.

  • Includes INM with clean function.



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