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Eternally Bound

Immagine del redattore: Phoenix WaydelichPhoenix Waydelich

 Mesh Body: Initihium - Kupra Flex

                      fit, muscular, striking version of Inithium Kupra with alpha cuts

Mask: iNeed Shadowborne Mask- Mainstore

           Mask Unrigged -Female only "but can be worn by mens as well "    

Earrings: iNeed -Eternally Bound Gauged XL F- Mainstore

               Fitted for Swallow Gauged XL -Female only

Tattoo: DO INK - YVANI -  BELLEZA EVENT from11th November

             Layers Bom only

Compatible Legacy, signature, Belleza GenX, Inithium, Ebody reborn, Maitreya, Kalhene Universal Layers for Left arm, compatible Belleza GENX    



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