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Immagine del redattore: Phoenix WaydelichPhoenix Waydelich

Tattoo: DO INK - Tattoo FLEURS EGYPTIENNES - SKINFAIR Event  from 08th march

  • 2 differents design by arm in the pack

  • Appli by Hud for signature, legacy and Maitreya

  • Appli BOM with new Systhem exclusive Belleza Gen X and Jake

  • Appli BOM by Design 3 Shades Fresh, Medium and Fade Compatible Legacy, signature, maitreya, ebody reborn, inithium, kalhene body

Eyes make up: Hexed - Belial Eyeshadow EvoX Unisex - Sabbath Event  from 21st march

Earrings: [VIPERA] - Vivian Earrings (EvoX) - Dubai Event from 20th march

               ► Rigged earrings for Lelutka EvoX Human (female)

► HUD for color changing: → Metals: 6 colors

►Hide or show each pair of earrings



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