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Immagine del redattore: Phoenix WaydelichPhoenix Waydelich

Mesh Body: Initihium - Kupra Flex

                           new, fit, muscular, striking version of Inithium Kupra with alpha cuts

Dress: # SHOOSH - Danielle Dress - The Statement Arena from 26th october

                      Fitted for Lara, LaraX, Legacy, Reborn, Waifu, Kupra

Make up: DO INK - MUERTE FLOWER MAKEUP -  Gothcore Event from 23th october

                 Layer Bom Only

Compatible Evo X only

3 Makeup Colors            


Earrings: iNeed - The Fallen One Gauged XL Unisex - Mainstore

                Rigged for Swallow Gauged XL -Unisex

Pose: [..::CuCa::..] - Mia Pose Set - Mainstore

          static female bento pose set        

             includes pose stand and pose hud



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